1-on-1 Parent Coaching Options

Single Sessions

1 hr sessions tailored to your needs

A Comprehensive Coaching Journey

12 weeks of parent coaching with a parent-centric course

What’s included in the 12-week comprehensive coaching journey:

  • Weekly 1-hour sessions with me as I guide you on the path to conscious peaceful parenting

  • Access to a comprehensive parent-centric course

  • Lifetime access to the online course as outlined below

  • Weekly 1 hr online learning platform

  • Direct support from me between sessions

Optional Online Course Overview

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Week 9

Week 10

Week 11

Week 12



Ten Pillars of Empowered Parenting

Attachment Science

Nervous System Science

Mindsight and Brain Science

Emotional Intelligence

Empowered Conversations


Anger and Aggression


Ongoing Transformation

This process is based on the fundamental and guiding philosophy that children’s behavior is a direct reflection of their needs, met or unmet, and our triggers, expressed consciously or unconsciously.

This experience, which is grounded in the foundation of attachment nervous system science, brain science work by Daniel Siegel, Non-Violent Communication, Emotional Intelligence and Neuroplasticity work by Dr. Bruce Lipton will provide a deeply transformational experience for the parents first and will empower them with the specific tools and strategies that will truly support you in your best parenting.

“I'm incredibly lucky Limor came into my life […] I am having more calmer discussions and my daughter is confiding in me. My only regret is.... I wish I would have started sooner.”

-Laura E.